I didn't have time to look much, so I may be missing stuff from elsewhere. (call_script, "script_abort_quest", ":minister_quest", 0), (quest_slot_eq, ":minister_quest", slot_quest_giver_troop, "$g_talk_troop"), (try_for_range, ":minister_quest", all_quests_begin, all_quests_end), (party_remove_members, "p_main_party", "$g_player_minister", 1), (main_party_has_troop, "$g_player_minister"), (str_store_troop_name, s9, "$g_player_minister"), Stoning looters unconscious is to be considered here as the first source of income as their gear is of very little worth.

I will rejoin you shortly.", "close_window", Hard enough to start without a horse and a bow. (troop_slot_eq, "$g_talk_troop", slot_troop_occupation, slto_player_companion), When you say the quests didn't appear in your list, do you mean you had quests but they weren't listed, or you didn't have quests? Is it possible the negative effect is from aborting some current quests? Here's some relevant code: [anyone, "minister_replace_confirm",