If Steam finds any errors, it automatically resolves these errors or downloads the missing or corrupt game files. Steam platform redirects itself to the Steamapps folder to scan the game files thoroughly, in comparison with authentic game files. You can verify the integrity of game files on Steam to identify missing or corrupt game files. Unfortunately, you will not be able to save the game progress if the game files become corrupt. Hence, you can now enter or exit the game at your convenience. Fortunately, it is no longer a concern since today’s amazing game distribution platforms, like Steam, allow users to Save and even, Pause their ongoing games. If they did, they would end up losing their game data & progress made. How to Verify integrity of game files on Steamīack in the day, gamers could not exit their games in between. How to Verify Integrity of Game Files on Steam.How to Verify integrity of game files on Steam.You can set your new folder to be the default installation location by right-clicking it in the “Steam Library Folders” window, then clicking “Make Default Folder”. You can configure the new Steam library folder to be the default install location by right-clicking on it in the “Steam Library Folders” window, then clicking “Make Default Folder”. You will be able to select it as an install location when you install a game, or when you try to move the install directory of an already installed game. You’ll now have a new location in the “Steam Library Folders” window. Select the folder you want to use to install Steam games, then click “Select” in the bottom-left corner. Tip: Steam will prevent you from setting two different installation directories on the same drive as this could lead to confusion about the installation location. Select the folder where you want your Steam games to be installed, then click “Select” in the bottom-right corner. If necessary, click the “New folder” button in the bottom corner. Locate your new drive, or the new location you want to assign to Steam games.

In the bottom-left corner of the “Steam Library Folders” window, click “Add library folder”. To add a new Steam library folder, click “Add library folder” in the bottom-left corner of the “Steam Library Folders” window. Click “Steam library folders” at the top of the “Downloads” tab in the settings. Once in Steam’s settings, switch to the “Downloads” tab, and click “Steam library folders” at the top. Open the Settings by clicking “Steam” in the top-left corner of the main Steam window, then clicking “Settings”. To do so, open Steam’s settings, by clicking “Steam” in the top-left corner of the main Steam window, then click “Settings” in the drop-down menu.